Wednesday, April 18, 2007



"తెల్‌మున్‌ భాష తెలుగు"
By Miss. Samyuktha Kooniah M.A (Ph.d)


The dawn of civilization has brought us to the present millennium where the way of life, communication and travel is constantly updated day to day, but in this ever changing world some things stay the same such as language, customs and house names which are passed from generation to generation to be identified in a community. Each one of us are born into a family and we inherit the language, traditions and the family name, which we later pass it on with pride to our children and hope that some day they glorify it.

In our busy lives we over look the fact that some of our language, custom and house names have a history that goes back to thousands of years. To trace back its origin would be an amazing journey. This single thought motivated me to take such a journey that began with finding the roots to my house name and customs. The history that I stumbled upon is deep rooted.

It all began with the first human migration that started from Africa more than 80,000 years ago, one of its branch migrated to Asia and the other migrated to Europe. Since then many more migrations took place in various countries except like America and Australia etc.

We all know the historic migration of Aryans to India but there is no glorified documentation of the ancient Indians migrating to other countries except for the few archeological evidence left behind by the Indus traders in Sumer.

To understand the contribution of Andhra Pradesh and the Telugu language to the ancient history, I have categorized my discovery in the following respectively:
  1. Telmun language Telugu.
  2. Similarities between Kamkur village and Jewish customs
  3. House names of Andhra Pradesh found in Judaism.

The power of communication is felt by every one as we use language to convey our feelings, trade, exchange of ideas etc. This very power of Language is our source of history that holds the mysteries of the ancient world.

Man’s journey has been a long one from hunter-gatherer to stepping on the moon. The evolution of language was slow and steady form the use of gestures to expressing feelings which led to the eventual need far language. As man learned to speak, the urge to write developed. We are fortunate today to discover the ancient way of life belief, faith and legends, through the vast number of scriptures found at Sumeir.

The Sumerian civilization is one among the great civilizations of the ancient world. The reason that the Sumerian civilization is glorified mainly because it gave birth to the stories of Genesis in the Holy Bible, based upon the Telmun stories.

Telmun popularly known as “The Land of Paradise” which is said to be on the direction of the sun rising East is the home land of the Sumerians, as they migrated from Telmun and settled in lower Mesopotamia.

The Sumerians wrote about their legends, and about their ancestors in the cuneiform text on clay tablets, in which Enki is said to be their god, and Ziusudra was the was the forefather of their ancestors.(Ziusudra is also known as Noah of the Holy Bible).

Discovering Telmun has become a quest for every historian. Telmun has been forgotten for 2,500 years, because of which it is known as the “Lost Civilization” (*1) and it is also believed that the language of this lost civilization (Telmun) is lost as well, or in other words not in use.

If the Sumerian Land of Paradise is ever discovered, the Land of Shinar of Genesis would reveal itself, which would mean that we will come to know the origin of Ziusudra (Noah) and Abraham as well.

Abram (Abraham) was the father of the people of the “old Testament”, which makes him the father of many nations, the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims.

The need to discover Telmun is an obsession with many historians, as this discovery would be the missing peace of the puzzle that could answer many questions.

As mentioned earlier that the Sumerians not only migrated from Telmun and settled in Sumer, they were also known as Assyrians. They maintained active trade contact between these two lands, and as a result many trade transactions and documents were discovered, which gives us an idea of what their life was like in he ancient time.

These documents and trade transactions were latter deciphered by great men like sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, A.L.Openhime, Michale Rice, Kramer etc. These deciphered records are an treasure trove for historians.

I discovered the land (Telmun) and its language, I found the literary evidence to prove that Telmun exists to this day as “Telugu Nadu” and its language is known as Dravidian language, a mix of Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam respectively. Many scholars are of the opinion that the Telugu language did not exist in B.C.and the popular belief is that the Telugu literature developed from the 10th century A.D onwards which is classified into Brahmanical Buddist and Jain literature.On the other hand the discovery of a Brahmi lable inscription reading “Thambhaya Dhaanam”(*2) is engraved on the soap stone reliquary datable to 2nd Century B.C. on Paleographical ground proves the fact that Telugu language predates the known conception in Andhra Pradesh.

I found the evidence of the Telugu language being extensively used as the main language in the cuneiform clay tablets, where as Tamil and Kannada languages were minimally used. Through these numerous letters, records, and articles, historians gathered information about Telmun.

Assurbanipal(*3) was a great king of Assyria in the Sumerian history. Archaeologists unearthed 25,000 clay tablets from Assurbanipal’s library. Henry Rawlinson deciphered the cuneiform text and published his findings in 1852 A.D. in London his interpretation was widely criticized however in 1857.A.D. the critics were silenced and Rawlinson’s decipherment vindicated. Through Assrubanipals library the world came to know the authentic account of the Flood legend along with many other legends.Scholars agreed that the stories of Gensis in the Holy Bible were based upon the Sumerian Paradise Land known as Telmun. We find an earliest record known to us which dates back to 2520 B.C.(*4) and mentions that the people of Telmun or Dilmun brought wood in a ship from a foreign country to Lagash king of UR-Nanshe.

Through numerous excavations conducted in Eraq the archeologists unearthed many constructions sites out of which a trader’s house in Ur named Ea-Nasir is important dating back to 1794 B.C.(*5) as the archaeologists found number of clay tablets in the house. These clay tablets contained the evidence of Dravidian language.

I: Telmun Language Telugu : Methodology

From Susa, we have a text which Lambert dates the early Isin Larsa period (2025.B.c. to 1736 B.c) on paleographical grounds (1976: 71) while the entire text appears to resemble the Ur business contracts we reproduce only the obverse here.


Susa Text

Meaning In English


10 ma-na urudu (x?)

Ten minas of copper


iti e- la-ma-tum

(in) the month of Elamatum



from Appa^? (cf-UET v5)


ki mi – il – ki –il

(and) Mi-il-ki-il


dum Te’ – im-dEn-za-ag

Son of Te-im-En-za-ak



The e-ki-ba




(*6) From the above record we find the presence of the Dravidian language and amazing as it is we still use some of these words in today.

Below is the chart of how these words are used in the original form as well as in slight variation in Telugu and Tamil languages.

From Susa

Telugu Language

Tamil Language



Idhi –meaning – this

Used in a sentence



Idhi maa illu-

meaning –this is my house

ela- meaning-young




ilamai-meaning-youthful used in a sentence elamai Paruvam meaning teenage.




maatham- meaning month

used in a sentence

margali maatham –meaning the month of margali(one of the 12 months in the Tamil Calender)

ela-is not in use at present in the Tamil calender.



Abba-meaning father used in a sentence –yevadabba sommani murisevu raamachandhra?-(this is taken from the famous Bhaktha Raama Dhaasa Keerthanam) – meaning who’s father’s wealth do you think you are enjoying?

Appa – meaning father.

In Sargon cylindrical seal ( cyl kb 1142-2) the information about Telmun and also the mention of a person named Sandanu who is also known as Sindaram Bab – sind + Aram – Bab-Anu> Sandanu is of importance.

Sargon cylinder

Telugu Language

Tamil Language



Sind-is found in Tamil language as sindanai – meaning – thinking

Sind – later became to be known as Hind by the Arabs, which in turn became India.

Sind-River-later was known as Indians River

Sind-Province – this province exists today in Pakistan



Bab-male gender



Aram –used in a sentence Aram vallu – meaning People of Tamilnadu.



Santhanu-is found commonly as a name- as in Santhana Laxmi

Santhanu-is also a common name found in Tamil Language as well.



Anu-meaning Alias

Sindaram Bab-meaning man from India (Tamilnadu)
In the sargon seal we find the word Kommel EG-5433= mur-gun (-gun) -nu.

Sargon cylinder

Telugu Language

Tamil Language



Kommu-is used in deferent context as in – root and as – horn – for example

Pasupu Kommu- Meaning – Turmeric root

Yeddhu Kommu- Meaning-Bull’s horn

El-elica-means ruler -


Kommel- is an common name used in Tamil language



Subrahmanya swami-the son of parvathi and parameswar(siva)

Murugan-is a name of god’s son also known as

subrhmanya swami-son of Parvathi and Parameswara (siva)

In the Neo-Babylonian contracts dealing with harra’nu –transactions , the pharse “ half – share of the profit” (anu ina uthr) occurs relatively few (cf-san nicolo in NRV Ip – 554 f .):
The business activities referred to are performed typically in aa^lu u se^ri in the city and over land

Neo – Babylonian

Telugu Language

Tamil Language


A a- lu – u – se-ri

Aalukka- meaning for person or per person used in a sentence aalukku seri paadhi – meaning- equally divided between two people still in use in Tamil



Seri – meaning equal

Cheri- meaning equal

Seri – meaning equal.

Only vs IV 11: 8 referes to the sharing of the losses in the unique phrase “ together they will make profits and suffer losses (I-s^aq-qu-uui-s^ a p – pi – lu). The” You Ageement” was written by Alik Telmun merchants.

Neo – Babylonian

Telugu Language


Aqqu – appilu

Akku – Hakku – with very little variation

Hakku – meaning – right to, as in naming a

rightful profit in a business



Appu – with slight variation – appu – meaning in debt, in business it means loss, which is not used in the present day rather its used for the word debt

Hakku – Appu – are still used in Telugu language

The large amount of Burgul – seals (uet 5) linguistically are of interest eg. The writing a-na-am-di-in in uet5 265: 12, case line 9 ( also) attested in other old Babylonian dialects) note further more the “Provincial” spellings in uet 5, 30: 12 – ni – ma – ak- kn – isku-nu-ti, and 24 ni-im-ta-ha-is.

Old Bobylonian

Telugu Language

Kannada Longuage



nemage-meaning for you .Or -to you



Echchukunuti – meaning – I have given


Nimaaku isukkunuti

Neeku echchukunuti-meaning – I have given to you

The interesting tablet uet 5-428 seems to contain two sample text loans connected with the oversea trade of Ur. The first of these formulae (Lines 1-9) runs as follows
1) Pn 2. He“5” shekels of silver as a tadmiqth – loan ( nam-ka-sa6. sa 6. gi. Di) Pn 1 has borrowed form will return the silver at at moment (yet) to be determined (?) (text; ki-aw. Kal. Bi. Se = anaittisu), 14 (this) he was sworn by the life of the king.

Old Bobylonian

Telugu Language

Kannada Longuage


Ana ittisu

Ana-is also used in Telugu, language it is the first word written today in the making of a promissory note,

Ana- means sworn mostly used in trade contacts as well.


Ana-meaning –sworn

Ittisu-meaning- I did

Ana ittisu – this word is still used in kannada language – meaning he swore, or he is sworn

Ana-ittisu(*7) – this is used in the above trade contract so the scholors named the record as “ANA ITTISU” record .

As to the main object of the Telmun trade, the copper (termed URUDU and – only in business letters – warum akk-wariam and waram ) we obtain most of the evidence from the letters ( uet 5-22, 29,71 and 81) addressed to a certain Ea –nasir , a traveling merchant and importer of Telmun copper especially revealing with regard to the background of the Telmun trade is the long letter uet 5- 81, the writer complains bitterly that our Ea-Nasir had promised to give to his messenger only good copper ingots while he, in fact , showed him bad ones with the added ensult of a remark which is the Old-Babylonian equivalent to our “take it or leave it” outraged, the writer of this letter exclaims “ who am I that you are treating me in this manner.

The trader Nanni from Telmun and trader Ea-nasir from Sumer, (Iraq’s Ur) together they wrote a trade contract in a temple .
Ea-Nasir lived in 1794 B.C. in Ur. He agreed in his trade contract to supply good quality of copper to Nanni instead he delivered cheap quality copper to the middle man.

(Nanni)- “ Be kind enough to give all the copper which you owe to PN (wa-ri-a-am ma-la e-li-k(a) i- su-u du-um-mi- iq-ma a-na. N. (i) – di –in) and offend me ? (ia-a-ti a-na ki (!)–ma ma-an-ni-im tu-si-im-ma-ni-(i)–ma ki – a – am tu-me-i (s-an) ni lines 16-18) ;( that this could happen between ) gentlemen as we (both) are ! (ma-a-ri-a-we-li ki-ma ne-ti, elliptic in line 19)” and he continues, “Who is there amongst the Telmun traders who has (ever) acted against me in this way (i-na a-li-ik Te –el (!) – mu-un ma –an –nu-um sa ki-a-am i- pu – sa- an – ni-i-ma lines 26 – 27) ?” More important however, is the argument of Ea-nasir which the writer quotes verbatim in lines 33-39: “ I myself gave on account of you 19 talents of copper to the palace and Sumi-abum gave (likewise) 18 talents of copper, apart from the sealed document which we both handed over to the temple of Shamash”.18

From the above record (*8)

Nanni’s Letter

1794 B.C From Telmun

Today’s Telugu Language

Translation In English












1)elder brother

2)name- (a) Annamachariya

(name of a person)

(b) Annavaram

(name of a place)




to give




and said







evva mani

said to give




I ,us or me




have said




regardless or nevertheless




and or but



a vela

that price




I asked you to give




but, regardless or nevertheless




expression for greatness




the Land of Paradise




me,we,or us








will not tolerate




this much





Comparison of Nanni;s letter with today’s Telugu language with English translation:

Nanny’s letter 1794 B.C.


Today’s Telugu Language

Translation in English

ia-a-ti a-na ki-ma ma-an-ni-im tu-si-im-ma-ni-(i)-ma

ki-a-am tu-me-i(s-an)ni

ma-a-ri a-we-li ki-ma ne-ti

i-na a-li-ik Te-el-mu-un ma-an-nu-um sa ki-a-am i-pu-sa –an-ni-i-ma?

Ayyaa ! adhi annaki evvamani mamu antime.

Thoosi evvamani,memu antime.

Aina mari avelaki evvamanti.

Aina Aliik Thelmun vallame! Memu anyayam sahinchamu.

Entha anyayamaa?

Mister! Measure and give it (copper) to Ana.

But asked you to give it (copper) on that (agreed price) price.

But I am from great Telmun.

I will not tolerate this injustice.

What an injustice?

One cannot explain how much Nanni’s letter in Telugu has helped the Telugu language The records of Telmun are scattered around the world in various universities and museums in countries like America, England and France to help us find more information about the Dravidian language. The encouragement that Nanni’s letter has given to the Telugu people is incredible, infact the letter gives us an opportunity to step ahead and to gather the deciphered records form the concerned universities and museums to give birth to an new Era in the history of Andhra Pradesh and its people. Nanni’s letter stands as a witness to clear all untrue myths about the origin of Telugu language. This letter is world famous, as the archaeologists unearthed Ea-Nasir’s house along with the trade documents which gives us an glimpse of the ancient trade, trading materials and the way of life. The archeologists dated Ea-Nasir to 1794 B.C. Through my theory I discovered that the people Telmun and Sumeir spoke in Telugu language.

8: we also find the word summa teleqi- meaning suba Telmun, and teleqi sounds like Telugu
9: aleqi – meaning alik
10: aatlaka- meaning aalaagaa
11: tilani –meaning Telmun.
12: Bullutu (of small children) = meaning –bulli papalu.
13: Raamit Batte –king of Kuppi.
14: kimu –name of a place Kamu.

15: We find urusiib as pronunciation of URU - meaning Telmun, and also the mention of the place known as Kimu, and their primary business as Gasu.

I found an abanded village known as Ur as well as its annexed village known as Kamakure and numerous ruined glass manufacturing ovens in and around these two villages and the surrounding forest and I have submitted 286 stone age implements which proves its antiquity going back to Paleolithic times.
In this village Kamakure I discovered the Lost Tribes of Israel with 21 Existing Jewish Family Names, according to The Holy Bible The home land of Abraham was Ur and Harran. After the disperse of the Jews from Israel nearly 2500 years ago they came back to Ur of Kamakur. The Sepher Yetzirah is one of the most famous of the ancient Qabalistic texts. It was first put into writing around 200 A.D.
49. The Dragon, TLI, Theli. The Hebrew letters amount in numeration to 440, that is 400, 30 and 10. The best opinion is that Tali or Theli refers to the 12 Zodiacal constellations along the great circle of the Ecliptic; where it ends there it begins again, and so the ancient occultists drew the Dragon with its tail in its mouth. Some have thought that Tali referred to the constellation Draco, which meanders across the Northern polar sky; others have referred it to the Milky Way; others to an imaginary line joining Caput to Cauda Draconis, the upper and lower nodes of the Moon. Adolphe Franck says that Theli is an Arabic word. . The

Theli (Chaldis.)-meaning - The great Dragon said to environ the universe symbolically.

In Hebrew letters it is TLI= 400+30+10 = 440 when “its crest [ letter] is repressed”,said the Rabbis, 40 remains, or the equivalent of Mem=M=Water, the waters above the firmament. Evidently the same idea as symbolized by Shesha—the Serpent of Vishnu.




In comparison the diagram of the Hindu universe has a snake with its tail in its mouth on top of which is a tortoise on top of it are elephants holding the world on top of which is a temple.

The Diagram of the Hindu Universe

Thelivaha River –meaning the river which carries the ships of Theli

TLI =TALI or THLI or STHRI= Female

TALI= Thalli- meaning Mother in Telugu
Taali=Thaali- meaning Marital sacred thread with a small gold dollar that has circle within a ciercle that is similar to the Egyptian symbol of Ra .

Variant spellings - TALLI - TALLEY - TALLIE - TALLY


Andhra Pradesh is known as Naga Nadu. And Theli of Chaldis and of the Hebrews is perfectly matching with the land of serpent.
Naga-Sumtarg-an Deity of the pre Sumeria ,going back to The tell (mound) of Ubaid near Ur in southern Iraq has given its name to the prehistoric chalcolithic culture which represents the earliest settlement on the alluvial plain of southern Mesopotamia. The Ubaid culture had a long duration beginning before 5300 BCE and lasting until the beginning of the Uruk period, circa 4000 BCE.

Pictures below strengthens the relation between Naganadu(Andhra Pradesh)and Sumer
Naga-Sumtarg                            Naga God                      Isis-Osaris Snakes            Isis Snake Of Egypt     

Naga God Of Sumeir                                                    Naga Gods of Sumeir                 
The following are some pictures of the Hindu Naga Gods:
The Pre Sumerian Goddess Naga-Sumatarg is also known as the Queen Of Orion.
History of the star: A double star in Orion's head, 3.7 and 6, pale white and violet.

The Arabic name for Meissa is Al-Maisan, "The shining one" or "The white spot". [Al Maisan is also a title of gamma Gemini (Alhena), by some error was applied to this star as Meissa, and is now common for it].

Al Sufi called it Al Tahayi; but others knew it as Ras al Jauzah, "the Head of the Jauzah", which it marks. [In early Arabic astronomy Orion was Al Jauzah, the term used for a black sheep with a white spot on the middle of the body].

The original Arabic name, was Al-Haq'ah (1), Al Hakah, or Heca "a White Spot", was from the added faint light of the smaller phi1 and phi2 in the background, and has descended to us as Heka and Hika.

These three stars were another of the Athafiyy of the Arabs; and everywhere in early astrology were thought, like all similar groups, to be of unfortunate influence in human affairs [possibly because they were stormy and war stars].

They constituted the Euphratean lunar station Mas-tab-ba-tur-tur, "the Little Twins" [a title also found for gamma and eta Gemini]; and individually were important stars among the Babylonians, rising to them with the sun at the summer solstice.

Alpha (Betelgeuse) with gamma (Bellatrix) and lamda (this star Meissa) were the Euphratean Kakkab Sar, the "Constellation of the King", or Ungal - which portended fortune, martial honors, wealth, and other kingly attributes.

In other lunar zodiacs they were the Sogdian Marezana, and the Khorasmian Ikhma, "the Twins"; the Persian Avecr, "the Coronet"; and the Coptic Klusos, "Watery".

These same stars also constituted the Hindu 5th nakshatra Mrigaciras, or Mrigacirsha, the "Head of the Stag", — Soma, the Moon, being its presiding divinity, and this star lamda was the junction star towards Ardra, and its determinant.

Other Hindu titles; Andhaka, "Blind", apparently from its dimness [Orion's head is outlined by dim stars but Orion's body has many brilliant stars (like the faceless bureaucracy which this constellation rules)]; Aryika, "Honorable", or "Worthy"; and Invaka (Invala), of doubtful meaning. (Allen).

16: URU+UD meaning copper.
17: malku-sarru = meaning naa-si-rakam sarruku.
18: specific plants = kulturpflanzen=meaning kalpa-taru chetlu
19: Dilmun-ki-magan labiuim ne-ne tagina e Ningal=meaning Dilmun nunchi Magan nunch laabham ne –ne tahginantha esthanu Nin-gal devatha ki (Ningal is the Sumerian goddess.)
20: Gilgamesh = we have in Telugu the name Kamesh
21: the name amelu – alamelu.
22:damkarranu muunta zu zu - meaning the debater damkaranu muntha chu chu nu.- meaning that the debtor Damakaranu only accepts profits not losses.
23:turk tari kurumu- meaning thurk ki dhaari chappumu.
24: hala –name of a person in Telmun
25: sinmagir – name of a person.
26: karra Uri ki – meaning Uri karra.
27: datu – meaning Dhanthamu.
28: uquppi – kuppi –kothi
29: aabba – meaning name of a person.
30: abbaka – name of a person.
31: gaissu – meaning gasu- glass.
32: sakanakku – name of a person in Telmun.(Sakasena is one of the kings of Satavahana,the rulers of Andhra Pradesh ,so the word SAKA is found in both the names,which means SAKA is native name of Andhra Pradesh)
33: uperi – king of Telmun
34: hundaru – king of Telmun.
35: iidru- name of a person in Telmun

36: xyilum – name of a king

From the above list it’s evident that the Telugu language existed 4000 yeas ago and it was the ancient language of the Land of Paradise Telmun and today it’s known as Andhra Pradesh.

Bahrain (Arabian- Gulf) is popularly known as Dilmun (Telmun) but through all the evidence I believe that Bahrain was a transit harbor between Indus Valley and Assyria in the ancient history. The Holy Bible mentions that Abraham came from Ur of Iraq,but unfortunately the archeologists were unsuccessful in finding any clue to prove this fact. The Jews believe that the history of the Holy Bible’s Old Testament took place in Iraq, but the Assyrian Paradise Land was Telmun and their holy legends took place in Telmun. According to my discovery the land of Telmun is Andhra Pradesh and therefore the history of Abraham and the Hebrews must have taken place in Andhra Pradesh,to support this theory, I found a remote village in Nellore district known as Kamakur. The uniqueness of this village is that it is an continues habitat site from the Paleolithic age, and the other aspect is that the villagers follow some Jewish customs even today. The following is an list of the similarities between the kamakur village and the Jewish customs.

II: Similarities between Kamkur village and Jewish customs

The Kamakur Village Customs

The Jewish Customs


When excavations were conducted by the A.P Archeology Deparment along with me in the Kamakur Village in1992, we came across an more ancient site which is known as Ur. Located just beside Kamakur. The ancient of Ur was destroyed long ago and the villagers now have planted lemon gardens.


According the Holy Bible Abram (Abraham) lived in Ur.


Ur is an ancient holy place, most of the towns and villages add Ur, at the end of its name

for example:- Gudur - Gud+ur

Rapur - Rap+ur ,etc.



We excavated a temple site in Ur, which had three levels of ground. The floor was laid with baked bricks with raised platform of two feet in height, which is the first level. In the corner of the second level we found a goat’s foot print, at the end of the third level we found a sacrificial alter made of stone.


In the Holy Bible Abraham sacrificed a got instead of his son.

Sumerian God Enki also mention as I bex (goat).


The ancient Abiras belong to Andhra Pradesh and, Lord Krishna belongs to this tribe

Abba – meaning father.


Abrahams Ur is also mentioned as Habiru. Some Scholars are of the opinion that the word Hebrew was derived from the word Habiru.

Abba – meaning father.

The Kamakur Village Customs

The Jewish Customs


The river Penna flows in Nellore District.


The word Penna Is an Hebrew word

The word Penna is also the first and second alphabet of the Hebrew language.


The river Krishna which flows in Andhra Pradesh is an ancient river also known as Kanna Benna (Krishna meaning Black colour) knna and Krishna are the same names of Lord Krishna


The ancient river Kishon is mentioned in the Holy Bible, as well as river Canah.


Tel-Valley civilization existed on the banks of river Teli Vaha, and their language was Telugu. (The river got this name because Saseme oil was exported by ancient ships on this river.)

Tila – meaning Seseme Seed


Telmun is an ancient Sumerian Paradise land.


Sudharas are the natives of South India. Desendents of Ziusudra?

Noah—meaning pain in the Telugu


Noe – meaning pain or Sickness in

the Tamil Language


Sumerian flood legend saviour is Ziusudra is also known as Noe and Noah in the Holy Bible.


Hindus also have a flood legend and its Hero is known as Baisbasbata.


Sumerian flood legend and the Holy Bible’s flood legend are similar.


South India consist of four state and four languages. These are Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam, together these are known as Dravidian language. I discovered Telugu, Tamil and Kannada in the ancient Sumerian records under the Telmun language.


The famous angry letter (1794 BC) received by the trader Ea-nasir of Ur (sumer), from Nanni of Telmun (Paradise Land) is a very famous latter. The contents of this letter is in the Telugu language (my discovery). I have the copy of the record with me, published in America, and I acquired in Bahrain (Arabian Gulf) Archaeological Society.


The village Kama Kur –when broken down.

Kur – meaning – Land

Kama-meaning – Crossing.

Kamakur = meaning the land of


for example- 1) Kandhukur =



In Sumerian legends the Land of Paradise was also known as Kurbala, which the scholars translated as:-

Kur – meaning land and

Bala- meaning crossing.

Kurbala is also known as Kamakur, Telmun, Dilmun, Tilvan and Telun.

The Kamakur Village Customs

The Jewish Customs


2) Indhukur =

Indhu+kur etc.,


Land of Kamuhu is also mentioned in

the Sumerian records.


The people of Kamakur are farmers, traders and they also use to manufacture glass. Numerous glass manufacturing ovens were found in around Kamakur village, because of which they are commonly bangle makers.(Gajula Balija).


The people of the Holy Bible where glass manufacturers.

The people of Kamuhu’s profession is mentioned as Gasu (kasu).

Kasa – in Arabic means glass.


Primarily the villagers of Kamakur did not build houses with burnt bricks, off late they started building one or two houses with burnt bricks.


The Holy Bibles, Babel curse forbids building with burnt bricks.


The house names of the people of Kamakur village are similar to that of the names found in the Holy Bible.


People and their names belonging to the 12 Lost Tribes are mentioned in the Holy Bible.


Kooniah’s are the royal family in Kamakur village(head house name of the village).


Koniah are coniah’s were royal family in ancient Israel.


The villagers of Kamakur believe that they migrated from unknown place.


The ancient people of The Ten Tribes dispersed from Israel.


Every village has an village goddess. The village goddess of Kamakur is unique as she is known by the name Yaw-lamma . This name was not found in any Government records on the list village goddesses of India.

- The goddess of kamakur is Yaw,this name is only found in the Jewish mythology.


Jewish god Yehweh, is also known as Yaw,who was created by an chaotic female goddessknown as Sofia.We also find mention of another goddess named Shekina who was the partener of Yaw.Shekina is similarly discribed to Hindu Mother goddess Sakthi.


The temple site is in Ur. The temple during 1992 when I saw was a simple single room structure with out a roof and a statue.



Primarily the villagers were not idol


The Kamakur Village Customs

The Jewish Customs


But of late one of the villagers donated money of Rs.10,000/- to build a temple with mother goddess’s wooden statue in it.



Usually the priest of any temple are of the Brahmin caste, but in Kamakur the priest belongs to Jangama caste which is anon Brahmin caste.



The village’s non Brahmin priest of performs ceremonies, and lights the lamp only on Friday evenings.


The Jewish Sabbath starts on Friday evining by lighting the lamp.


The custom of lighting lamp is practiced by all women of the Hindu religion. This practice is performed to welcome the wealth goddess Lakshmi



In India and Kamakur the symbol of mother goddess is known as Sri Chakra, which has an exact resemblance to the Jewish star.

- The women in Kamakur and India have a tradition of decorating the front yard by drawing designs with white powder – is also known is muggu in Telugu and rangoli in Hindi. These women draw the star the Jewish star (Sri chakra) as common designed.


The symbol in the Israeli flag is the Jewish star also known as star of David, similar to the Srichakra,in simple form.


I have seen this symbol of Srichakra carved and stone in the famouse temple of mother goddess at Sri Sailam temple in Andhra Pradesh. The place where I took admission in (Ph.D.) in ancient history, culture, and archaeology in Sri Potti Sriramulu Telugu University. Hindu Mother Goddess is also known as Sumeria Devi, (queen of sumair) one of her thousand names of Lalitha Sahasra Namam. She is.


During the ancient times the present day Iraq was known as Sumer,and the legends of Telmun were discovered in Sumer.The Sumarians Holy Land was Telmun.

The Kamakur Village Customs

The Jewish Customs


also known by the name Braamari



- Mannan – meaning king Dravidian


Mannu – meaning soil.


Manna (food) is mentioned in the Holy Bible,the food that fell from the sky for 40 years.


The women of Kamakur village, during the second day of their menstration period have a custom of looking at the stars and counting the evening as the beginning of the third day and then they take an head bath, which means every new day begins in the evening for Kamakur villagers.


The Sabbath day begins in the evening of Friday,every new day bigins in the evining for the Jews.


Saturday is an Special day of Lord Venkateswara in Andhra Pradesh.


Sabbath day is Saturday,(Gods day),the ancient people of the Holy Bible worshipped God Bal.


In the outskirts of the Kamakur village there is an ancient cave site known as Enkatesudi Gundu,or Venkteswara Gundu.


Sumerian god is known as Enki. The first settlers of Bahrain,( Arabian Gulf )built a temple for god Enki (nearly five thousand years back), and the area is known as Barbar.


According to the local legends lord Venkateswara first lived in this cave and later on migrated to Tirupati’s hill top. This Tirumala mountain has 20 names sumeria mountain is one of them.


The Holly Bibles Abraham who first lived in Ur spoke to God. Enki was the God of Telmun ,the Sumarian Paradise land.


Lord Venkateswara is also known as Balaji. The villagers of Kamakur worshipping this God.


The people of the Holy Bible worshipped the ancient God Bal.


One sect of the natives of Andhra Pradesh were known as Barbaras.


The scholars today are searching for the origin of the word Barbar to under stand its meaning (as Barbar is an non Arabic word) to find out the nativity of the first settlers in Bahrain


The villagers of Kamakur belong to the Brundhani Balija cast= Bru


Abraham came from a place known as Hebaru (Ur),Some are of the openion that The word Hebrew is derived from that word Hebaru.Today we can find groups of hebrews known as Bru,who believe that He+Bru became Hebrew. Brundin is a Jewish house name.

The Kamakur Village Customs

The Jewish Customs


The word Balija is derived from the people who sacrificed their children to god.Balichche jana nunchi puttina vaaru


The ancient people of the Holy Bible sacrificed their children to God Bal.


The villagers of Kamaku buildtheir reedroof huts facing the rising sun


The ancient people of the Holy Bible worshipped the sun.


In the forest of Kamakur village there is an ancient site known as Dhaasaraiah Gudi



Dhaasaraiah – Dhaasa – Dhasara –

meaning number ten in the Indian Languages. We also have the Dhasara Festival of ten days

aiah – meaning God or Father.

I also found a stone pillar post on which an unique engraving of Nandipada or Threerathna sybole of Satahvanas (Orion star system-origen of the Nagas).

When I saw the place in 1992, I saw two stone slabs standing and facing each other similar to that of a doorway, roughly three feet gap between them.


The Ten Commandments written by God is mentioned in the Holy BibleHebrews only called the Place of Tencommandments as the temple and they gather to pray in Synogags.

Seraiah, Meraiah, Ramaiah etc., are the names found in the Holy Bible. These names are also the common names used in Andhra Pradesh.

Amma, Aiah are also found in the Holy Bible.


In front of these two stone slabs there is an path way, from Kamakur to Chilavanur also known as Siluvanur – Siluvanur - Siluva – meaning Cross. Further Siluvanur there’s another village known as Gollagunta.



Gollagunta - Golla – meaning


Gunta – meaning pit


Golgotha mentioned in the Holy Bible in the New Testament.

Gol _ meaning Sheppard.

Gotha – meaning the place of the


Jesus Christ was known as

the Good Sheppard


This area is related to Jesus Christ’s life



The travelers passing by Dhaasaraiah gudi have a small custom of placing of stone behind the two slabs and pray. This custom is an mistry.


Placing a small stone on a tomb stone is an Jewish custor.

The Kamakur Village Customs

The Jewish Customs


The people of Kamakur burry their dead


Burring the dead is the Jewish custor.


Now when I saw the site Daasaraiah gudi last year,the site was disturebed,as the A.P Archeology Department excavated this site some years ago. The stone heap is now placed in front of the two stone slabs.



As the A.P. Archeological Department cleared the top soil bringing the stone layered bed is visible to see, which is an man made structure. I have pictures of this site, this site has to be further excavated, in order to see what lies beneath the man-made stone structure



The traditional black blanket of goat wool woven by Shepard caste people is of red and white stripes at the both ends of the blanket.


The ancient Jews when they stayed in Egypt as slaves they used stripes as their symbol.


Near By The Kamakur village there is an Village known as Melachchur. Near this village we found a big mound known as “Perividi Thippa” which means :

Peri - meaning big,

Vidi - meaning resting place

Thippa – meaning mound

There is a local myth that huge amounts of gold is buried underneath the mound. This place has to be further excavated.


Pyramids are the incredible structure built for the dead to rest in Egypt.

The above are some of the similarities between the village Kamakur and the Jewish customs, some of the above are also facts recorded by the Andhra Pradesh Archaeological Department in the year 1992.

The history of the Jews starts with Abraham who lived in Ur and Haran of Chaldees . Ur is also known as Habiru, and the Jewish history ended in Habiru also known as Habor , and Haran along with Hala. So it is evident that the people of the Lost Tribes of Israel went back to their ancestral home land and settled for good.

Now to prove the Home Land theory” as the land of Andhra Pradesh lets look into the evidence.

1) The Holy Bible, Old Testament, II Kings, Chapter -17, Verse –6.

In the ninth year of Ho-She’a the King of Assyria took Sa-ma’ri-a,and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Ha’la and Ha’bor by the river of Go’Zan, and in the cities of the Medes in Iran (Persia) and Chadees is in Iraq.

The Holy Bible, Old Testament, I Chronicles, Chapter –5, Verse –26.
And the God of Israel Stirred up the spirit of Pul King of Assyria, and he carried them away ,even the Reubenites, and the Gadites,and the half tribe of Manas’she, and brought them unto Ha-lah, and Ha’bor and Ha’ra and to the river Go’Zan, unto this day.

From the above two verse we clearly find the mention of the three places of the exiled Jews, which are :

1) Ha-lah ,2)Ha’bor and 3) Ha’ra

These names are Familiar to Andhra Pradesh, the following is the evidence.

1) Ha’lah : We find the name Ha-lah as the name of the 7th king of the Sathavahana, who ruled Andhra Pradesh since 19th to 24th A.D *9

2) Ha’bor : Abraham lived in Ur also known as Habiru , near the Kamakur village I found a place known simply as Ur, where the villagers have built a temple to the village Goddess Yaw-lamma, which is not found in any list of Hindu village goddesses. On the other hand the Jewish God Yahveh is also known as Yaw, therefore we can conclude that the Ur of Kamakur had connection to the ancient Jews and vise versa.

3) Ha’ra : The names Sathavahani-Hara, and Sathavahana-Ratha used respectively in Myakodoni inscription ,inscribed on a boulder named Janagaligunda near Mykodoni, which is now in the Adoni taluq of Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh ,Indicates that they were ruled by Sathavahanas the rulers of Andhra Pradesh from 221 B.C to 218 A.D. Ha’ra and Ha-lah may have been the places in ancient Andhra Pradesh, but these names are significant enough for the Sathavahana kings to embrace. The founder of Satavahana was Chimuk and we find Chinuk as the Hebrew festival(Hanuka).Chimuka was also known as Kochikiputra. Kochi is a short name for Jehoiachin,who was the descendent of te king Solomon of Israel.,and Jehoiachin was also known as Coniah=Koniah,this house name is in the village Kamakure. H and K are inter-changeable -for example : Melukka or Meluhha (Indus civilization). The symbol of the Judha Tribe and the Satavahanas was Lion. On the subject of names a mention of the name Eliehuvaladasa in the Nagarjuna Konda book is of interest as –Eli-is the name of a Hebrew God. We find such similarities even with the name –Elisiri,an Iksvaku general who built a temple to Skanda in Andhra Pradesh. Elisiri is again a Hebrew name ,and Siri is same as Sri in Indian languages.

1) The Holy Bible, Old Testament, Deuteronomy, Chapter-10, Verse-7.

From thence they journeyed unto Gud’go-dah, and from Gud’go-dah to Jot’bath a land of rivers of waters.

From the above verse we find the name Go-dah in India as an ancient name for the river Godhavari in Andhra Prdesh.The ancient name for the river Godhavari was Godha.

2) The holy Bible, Old Testament, Numbers, Chapter-26, Verse-58.

These are the families of the Levites: the family of the Lib’nites,the family of Hebronites, the family of the Mah’lites, the family of the Mu’shites, the family of the Ko’-rath-ites. And Ko’hath begat Amram.

From the above verse the family of the Mu’shites is of interest as the ancient Telugu people of Andhra Pradesh were known as Mushikalu, during which time a city was built in the mane of Mushikaa Nagaram, which belonged to the Sathavahana kings. The “Siri Chimukha Sata” written on the coins found in Andhra Pradesh is of interest , as Simukha was the founder of the Sathavahan Dynasty *12 .The house name Sta is also an Jewish house name.

Internal Literary evidence related to Israel:

Sthavahana – meaning the custodian of the Gods Ark, (Ark of The Ten Commandments). King David from the Judah Tribe ruled Israel and his son Solomon built a temple for the Ark of the Ten Commandments in Jerusalem during which time his ships came to India under the leadership of Hiram. I found Dravidian words in the Hebrew language .The traditional custodians of the Ark are from the royal family of the Judah Tribe, their symbol was lion. Sata or Sathana – meaning God Yehovah, and we find the cast of Sathana in Andhra Pradesh even today. The Sathavahana’s mysterious and unique symbol is found on their coins termed as the Treerathna or Nandipada which has a special meaning for it. The villagers of Kamakur hold a special importance for unknown reasons for a place known as Dhasarayya Gudi located in the outer area of the village in a bush forest. The word Dsar – meaning 10 may be of Jewish origin, related to the Ten Commandments In that place I found a small stone pillar post which has an engraving of circle within a circle and the uniqueness of this symbol is that on the outer circle is an engraving of 2 half circles, which in comparison is similar to the Egyptian symbol of Sun God Ra(circle within a circle)and also the symbol for fire as well as the symbol for alchemy, it could also be an planetary alignment of the sun in the middle and two planets on the same axes. The Jewish God Yehovah is also known as the fire god. Moses saw fire bush on he Sinai Mountain. The village goddess of Kamakur is known as Yawalamma .The Ten commandments were two stone slabs if placed side by side the out line of the upper half would form the English alphabet M and when turned on the right side it would form the number 3 and this symbol is found on the coins of the Sathavahanas known as Nandipada or Threerathna. Because of the significance of this symbol the origins of the Sathavahanas can be traced back to the Kamakur (Ur) village and to the Jewish origin, which the Sathavahanas kept to themselves leading to the great debate among the scholars search for their original home land. Through my research work I discovered that the Sathavahanas were from the Lost Tribes of Israel, who were dispersed from Israel in 2500 B.C. The king Solomon’s descendents Jeconiah of the royal family was captured and carried in to Iraq by Nebuchadnezzar and later was freed by the Iranian King .The family of Coniah along with other tribes came to India and settled in Ur of Kamakur, as it was their ancestor Abraham’s original home land. I have gathered 21 Jewish House names in the Kamakur village; the following is the list of these house names.

III : House names of Andhra Pradesh found in Judaism.

Family Names In The Kamakur Village

Existing Jewish Family Names In


Jewish Tribes In The Holy Bible
















































































The above family names recorded in the Kamakur village have no margin of error, 100% accurate.

The above family names taken from the internet have no margin of error,100% accurate.

The above Tribes are taken from the Holy Bible

Note :
1) Palli – meaning - Village [for eg : Sarvepalli = Sarve + Palli)
2) Aram – meaning – Habitat.[ for eg: (a) Boudhdharamam; (b) Casaram = Casar + Aram = Kasaram ]

The Holy Bible, Old Testament Isaiah, Chapter –37,Verse-12.

Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden which were in Tel-assar?


In a verse in the Holy Bible and the Jewish Holy Scriptures we find the Israel’s lost tribes have gone to Gozan and Haran which are not in Chaldees ,or in Medes, but they were in Telassar. Where is this Telassar? To find the answer to this question we have to look deeper.

We have to break down the word telassar as tel +assar.

Teli :

1) Sumerian Paradise land is mentioned as Telmun,
2) Tel River*13 valley civilization flourished in the ancient Andhra Pradesh. The Telmun language and the ancient language of Andhra Pradesh match with each other.

3) Vishnu Kundin Coins Found in Telkunta*14(Karimnagar district).The name Tel is known as The name of the people of Andhra Pradesh from the ancient time to the present

Assar :

Assaka ,Asmaka or Asvakas*15 were ancient Janapadha’s of Andhra Pradesh.

The name Telassar is perfectly suits ancient Andhra Pradesh.

The Holy Bible, I Chronicles,Chapter-11,verse-28.

Ira the son of Ik’kesh the Teko’ite,A’bi-e’zer the Antoth-ite”

In the above verse Abiezer is mentioned as Antothite,Anathoth is known to king David of Israel.

This research work is a labor of hard work form more than 15 years and I was the first to discover this astonishing evidence of Telugu Language in the Sumerian text, and since then my articles have been published in various Intellectual Journals. But today I feel so helpless when scholars like Dr.Sanganabatla Narasiah are stealing my work and passing it as their own, and I have the unfortunate situation of correcting this unforgivable misuse of my work.

Today I urge all the dignitaries to guide researchers like me to register my discoveries as an intellectual property so that the integrity of my work should not be lost or distorted.

“ To share knowledge is power , to steal it is demeaning.”

My aim is to put a spot-light on Andhra Pradesh and its forgotten history to glorify its deserving place in the world history. I am very happy that the focus is now on the Telugu language and I would be glad to share my discovery with the world. I hope that this movement will gain momentum . If given an opportunity I will strengthen this evidence by collecting more deciphered Sumerian records from the Universities and museums of various countries like America, England and France.

By. Miss.Samyuktha Kooniah.M.A.
Ph.d. Student of Telugu University Srisailam Campus

1) Looking For Dilmun. Page-47, By : Geoffrey Bibby, Published by Government of Bahrain.
2) Buddhist Relic Caskets In Andhra Desa. Page-61, By : B. Subrahmanyam, Published by Ananda Buddha Vihara Stust. Secendrabad.
3) Looking For Dilmun. Page-58, By : Geoffry Bibby, Published by Government of Bahrain.
4) Looking For Dilmun. Page-63, By : Geoffry Bibby, Published by Government of Bahrain.
5) Looking For Dilmun. Page-201,203,& 204, By : Geoffry Bibby, Published by Government of Bahrain.
6) Bahrain Through The Ages,The Archaeology. Pge-246, Edited by Shaik Haya Ali Al Khalifa and Michael Rice., The Ministry Of Information,State of Bahrain 1986.
7) The Seafaring Merchants of Ur., By : A.L. Oppenheim Oriental Institute. University Of Chicago.
8) Ancient and Medieval History Of Andhra Pradesh. Pge-13, By : P.Rao., Published By Sterling Publishers Private Limited. India
9) Religion In Andhra. Page-242, By : B.S.L. Hanumantha Rao. M.A. Ph.D., Published By Dept of Arcaeology and Museums , Government of A.P, Hyderabad 1993.
10) Ancient and Medieval History Of Andhra Pradesh. Pge-2, By : P.Rao., Published By Sterling Publishers Private Limited. India
11) Ancient and Medieval History Of Andhra Pradesh. Pge-2, By : P.Rao., Published By Sterling Publishers Private Limited. India.
12) Religion In Andhra. Page-13, By : B.S.L. Hanumantha Rao. M.A. Ph.D., Published By Dept of Arcaeology and Museums , Government of A.P, Hyderabad 1993.
14) Religion In Andhra. Page-262, By : B.S.L. Hanumantha Rao. M.A. Ph.D., Published By Dept of Arcaeology and Museums , Government of A.P, Hyderabad 1993.
15) Religion In Andhra. Page-17, By : B.S.L. Hanumantha Rao. M.A. Ph.D., Published By Dept of Arcaeology and Museums , Government of A.P, Hyderabad 1993.


MailerOne said...


Wonderful research. You have bridged the gap between the lost civilization and its language.

While browsing about cunieform scripts I came across some transliterated cunieform scripts from "The Book of Nod: The Babylonian Cuneiform Tablets"

It has a word that says "Andramelech" and "Nergal".

I sing of the first
Three arose
Three wrestled each other
Three parted company
Andramelech awoke
Nergal awoke
The crone awoke
They parted company
Andramelech flew from the sun
Nergal searched the sun
The crone took to the sun

here is the link:

Kyla Coniah said...
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Kyla Coniah said...

Hi Amar, could you please delete this and my previous coment completelety and my email id.
Thank you.